Work plan and deliverables
Work package 1 – Stakeholder values and ecosystems will identify stakeholder values relevant to open access to research data and consider how divergent stakeholder values influences their inter-relationships within scientific ecosystems and within the open access and data dissemination and preservation landscape.
D1 – Stakeholder values and relationships within open access and data dissemination and preservation ecosystems (Submitted September 2013)
Work package 2 – Infrastructure and technology will focus on issues surrounding open access and data dissemination and preservation infrastructure and technologies, including issues such as standards, interoperability, metadata, etc.
D2.1 – Infrastructural and technological challenges and potential solutions (Submitted March 2014)
Work package 3 – Legal and ethical issues in open access and data dissemination and preservation will identify legal and ethical obstacles, barriers and solutions in relation to open access and data dissemination and preservation across Member States and third countries from the perspectives of a range of different stakeholders.
D3 – Legal and ethical barriers and good practice solutions (Submitted April 2014)
Work package 4 – Institutional evaluation and support for open access data will focus on institutional practices and barriers in open access and data dissemination and preservation, including examining measures for evaluating data quality, integrity, impact and trustworthiness of data as well as barriers such as training, funding and infrastructure.
D4 – Institutional barriers and good practice solutions (Submitted June 2014)
Work package 5 – Policy guidelines for open access and data dissemination and preservation will consolidate the information from WPs 2-4 and review relevant open access and data dissemination and preservation policies at the European and Member State level and in third countries. It will identify policy gaps where the grand challenges discussed in WPs 2-4 are not being addressed and consolidate a series of policy recommendations.
RECODE policy recommendations for open access to research data – summary booklet
RECODE Final Conference Report from EKT/NHRF
D5 – Guidelines for different stakeholder groups on supporting open access to and preservation of research data (Submitted January 2015)
Work package 6 – Stakeholder engagement and mobilisation will create a taxonomy of open access stakeholders and consider how open access and data dissemination and preservation stakeholders might be best mobilised to implement the RECODE policy recommendations and maintain collaboration activities between different types of stakeholders.
D6 – Using existing open access networks to support policy harmonisation across Europe (Submitted Jan 2015)
Work package 7 – Dissemination will identify and reach stakeholders, including end users and the public, in order to raise their awareness regarding the findings of the consortium and to encourage them to support and adopt the consortium’s recommendations.
D7.1 – Dissemination plan (Submitted – April 2013)
D7.3 – Project flyer/brochure (Submitted – May 2013)
D7.4 – Draft report on the consortium’s dissemination activities (Expected Jan 2015)